AcroYoga Classes Leiden
We have no classes planned at the moment. Instead we guide and coach every other week during the jam on Saturday, suited for all levels. Contact us if you want to stay updated about classes, workshops, and other activities organized by us.
About the Classes

Group connection & meditation
We start the classes with an opening circle, having a little introduction of ourselves and the topic of the the day. Mostly we got a question as an icebreaker and to get to know each other. This often is followed by a short meditation and little stretching. Or we continue with the warm-up.

Warming-up the body
We continue with warming up the body either with Acro-Fit, Yoga or Partner Yoga. And sometimes we play a game.
Acro-Fit is a partner warming-up where you cooperate with an other student. Practices are like in a gym, but now with a human being instead of weights 😉
Yoga is a guided practice on your own mat.
Partner Yoga is a guided practice you do in combination with one or more other students.
Partner Acrobatics
When the body is warm we can start with the main part of the class, which often is a flow or a washing machine, but could also be a theme, like inversions or more standing acrobatics. You will mostly work in groups of three or four people, so you have at least one ‘spotter’ to keep the flyer and base safe from falling.

Depending on the energy, we finish the class with a bit of body maintenance. This can be Therapeutic Flying or Thai Massage. Therapeutic Flying is like a Thai Massage in the air.

Open jam, potluck, and free training
The classes will be followed by a potluck lunch and an open jam. Maybe the one thing that connects people the most, is food. So bring you favourite pie, snack, or cake, and let’s share!
During the jam you can practice what you got taught, or any other thing you like. Sometimes it’s also just nice to watch others and have a chat with your fellow monkeys.
Class level and teachers
Lennert and Yvonne are both certified Yoga and AcroYoga teachers, and have years of experience in teaching. They adapt the classes to different levels, with easier and more challenging variations of poses, washing machines and flows. Everyone will work on their own level!
There are no prerequisites and you don’t need to bring a partner. Everyone is welcome, from beginner to well-seasoned practitioner!

Oude Vest 43
2312 XS Leiden
How to find
The entrance is on the back at the Caeciliastraat. Walk through the Hazewindsteeg (lefthand side when facing the theatre/Stadsschouwburg), and then first street to the right. First door on the right: ring the bell with AcroYoga Moves on it 😉
The closest parking lot is called the “Lammermarkt” and is a 5 minute walk away.
The venue is within walking distance of Leiden central station.
AcroYoga Moves Leiden
What Is AcroYoga?
AcroYoga is a combination of Yoga, (Partner) Acrobatics and Thai Massage.
Is AcroYoga A Cardio Workout?
No, but it will help you to get or keep in shape.
What Should I Bring?
A water bottle and a smile 🙂 For the outdoor classes warm cloths, a towel or yoga mat.
I Have No Experience, Can I Still Join?
Yes! We love new students! It’s always a pleasure to see the joy and sparkles in their eyes, doing their first tricks and poses! We’re happy to learn you the basics!
Do I Need To Be Strong For AcroYoga?
No. We will teach you to make good alignments and then it’s all about the bones that carry the weight. We call this bone-stacking, where the weight goes trough the bones without overusing the muscles.
What Should I Wear?
Anything easy and comfortable. Leggings and not too loose t-shirts will help not to get entangled. Pants without pockets is also preferable.
Do I Need To Bring A Partner?
No. There will be enough people to work with. You are more than welcome to come alone.
Follow Us
Yvonne Gravemaker
Lennert Stevens
Oude Vest 43
2312 XS Leiden