AcroYoga Moves says hi!
Welcome at AcroYoga Moves!
Have a look around and enjoy your time! But don’t forget to connect through the real life activities we offer 😉
You’ll find a lot of information about our AcroYoga classes and workshops in Leiden, about AcroYoga in general, what’s it all about, what to do and what not, and all other kind of events and festivals we organise. Besides all that, you’ll find AcroYoga movies and instruction videos on this website.
Oh yeah, we’re happy to give you a new -healthy- addiction! 🙂
Are you having a business and you’re looking something fun for your team? We also offer business outings and team buildings, and so much more.
AcroYoga Classes, Events, and Workshops

Weekly Classes
The weekly AcroYoga classes and workshops are in Leiden centre. They will be guided by Lennert Stevens and Yvonne Gravemaker, both certified Yoga and AcroYoga teachers. They love to teach a variety of skills: flows, washing machines, dynamic tricks, hand-to-hand, and foot-to-hand. You’re welcome as a complete newbie, or as an advanced practitioner.

Events and Workshops
Besides the weekly classes, workshops, and jams, we also teach at national an international festivals, like Dutch AcroYoga Festival, Lowlands, Surfana, Sicily Acro Convention, and many more. We also offer weekend workshops. The list of activities will change by time and new events will be added. Check the Event page for more information.
Custom Teambuilding, Classes, Workshops and Retreats
We love to fullfill your desires and wishes if it comes to AcroYoga. We like to create custom programs for teambuildings and team outings, for birthdays and bachelor parties, for workshops and festivals, for Yoga Teacher Trainings, and any other coming-together activity. You name it, we create it!
We have loads of experience in teaching regular classes and workshops, and in customising programs for special requests. We’ve successfully colaborated with many different yogaschools, corporate businesses, educational programs, and private customers. We strive for memorable moments filled with fun and laughs.

Weekly Schedule
Coaching Sessions
March 9/23
April 6/20
14:00 – 17:00
Open jam
March 16/30
April 13
14:00 – 17:00
Open jam
18:00 – 21:00
Take Your First Class with a special discount
We’re happy to welcome new people and let them explore this amazing practice. If it’s your first class with AcroYoga Moves, you can buy two classes for the price of one! (valid for a period of 4 classes in row)
Sign up today!

Private Sessions
Oh yes! You can book a private class or treatment with us as well. What can we serve you with? Are you looking for new Acro skills, Thai Massage or a Therapeutic Flying treatment? We’re happy to serve you!
What’s and why’s of AcroYoga

What's AcroYoga?
AcroYoga is a superfun community-based practice that combines three different disciplines: Yoga, Partner Acrobatics, and Thai massage. Yoga connects you with yourself, and through this connection with yourself, you can connect with others through Partner Acrobatics and Thai massage.

Why AcroYoga?
Besides the fact that AcroYoga is just full of fun, it also forms a complete practice that serves body, mind, and spirit. It not only gives you a good physical work-out, it also mirrors the themes you’re dealing with in daily life and can help you to grow and develop inner flexibility and strength.
Meet the teachers Lennert and Yvonne
Lennert Stevens and Yvonne Gravemaker are the founders of AcroYoga Moves.
They met in 2017 on a date filled with AcroYoga. They fell in love both with eachother and with AcroYoga. Ever since they practice together as much as possible and share their passion by teaching workshops and regular. They also organise several Dutch AcroYoga Festivals a year, and participate and help the organiasation of PaascoYoga.
Besides that, they’re eager to spread their love for AcroYoga in other fields, to connect employees in corporate business with eachother, to challenge and balance students at sports academy, and so on…
If you like to read more about these passionated AcroYoga lovers, have a look here!

Join and celebrate play and connection with the whole community!!
Dutch AcroYoga Festival
Share your passion with others during Dutch AcroYoga Festival! A more days festival full of connection, fun and laughter. Every day is filled with workshops of yoga, partner acrobatics, handstands, group games, Thai massage, mantra’s and a lot more. Many national and international teachers and participants join this event, and they’re always lyric about it! The festival is held multiple times a year.
Oude Vest 43
2312 XS Leiden
How to find
The entrance is on the back, at the Caeciliasteeg. Walk through the Hazewindsteeg (lefthand side when facing the Stadschouwburg), and then first street to the right. First door: ring the bell with AcroYoga moves on it 😉
The closest parking lot is called the “Lammermarkt” and is a 5 minute walk away.
Coming by bicycle? You can park your bike either at the front of Oude Vest 43, or at the back.
AcroYoga Moves Leiden
Follow Us
Yvonne Gravemaker
Lennert Stevens
Oude Vest 43
2312 XS Leiden